Katya Armistead

for Santa Barbara County School Board of Education

District 6


Katya Armistead

With over 33 years of experience in education and as a proud parent of two sons who attended Santa Barbara public schools, Katya is excited to announce her candidacy for the Santa Barbara County Board of Education Trustee, District 6. Katya’s journey in education has been driven by a deep passion for educational leadership and a commitment to fostering a bright future for our children.

Katya is Eager to Continue Serving the Santa Barbara Community

One of Katya’s core values is the act of service. As a board member of multiple nonprofits, an avid volunteer, and an educator at UCSB for over 30 years, Katya has a proven track record of dedicating her life to our young people in Santa Barbara. This candidacy will build upon her 33 years of experience in education and service by allowing her to give back to the Santa Barbara community in a unique way.

As Trustee, Katya will focus on thoroughly understanding our schools' challenges to see where she can make a difference and foster representation, diversity, and empathy within our educational system. Katya aims to influence policies that ensure equitable access and inclusion for all students. Through collaboration with schools and nonprofits, Katya is committed to advocating for students, teachers, and administrators to create positive change.

As a Democratic Party Candidate, Katya is looking forward to championing the importance of educating our children, advocating for their future, and supporting our teachers.